(NGO Registration No. R/TN/4/105/2021)
Regd. in Govt. of Tamil Nadu & Regd. in MSME. Govt. of India
PROSPER FOUNDATION, a professional rural and agricultural development organisation, was initiated
on January 15, 2008. Earlier PROSPER FOUNDATION was function in the name of Student Serving Society and conducted many Educational and Career Guidance Programme in Schools and Colleges of Tamil Nadu. PROSPER FOUNDATION registered as Public Charitable Trust on 2021, Registration No. R/TN/4/105/2021., registered in Govt. of Tamil Nadu. PROSPER Foundation registered in Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India. It unites enthusiastic, motivated, inspirational personalities to the rural and agricultural development sector. Now PROSPER FOUNDATION concentrate collaborative work of training and research work with Academic Institutions, State, National and International organizations on specialization of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Rural Development, Environment Management, Climate Change Studies, Forest and Wild life Conservation.